Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics Group |
2015Dugo-Cota A, Castroviejo-Fisher S, Vilà C, Gonzalez-Voyer A (2015) A test of the integrated evolutionary speed hypothesis in a Neotropical amphibian radiation. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 804–813.
Brandariz-Fontes C*, Camacho-Sanchez M*, Vilà C, Vega-Pla JL, Rico C, Leonard JA (2015) Effect of the enzyme and PCR conditions on the quality of high-throughput DNA sequencing results. Scientific Reports 5: Article 8056. (*Equal contribution) Link Ferrer ES, García-Navas V, Bueno-Enciso J, Sanz JJ, Ortego J (2015) Multiple sexual ornaments signal heterozygosity in male blue tits. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. doi: 10.1111/bij.12513 Griesser M, Halvarsson P, Drobniak SM, Vilà C (2015) Fine-scale kin recognition in the absence of social familiarity in the Siberian jay, a monogamous bird species. Molecular Ecology 24: 5726-5738. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13420
Koepfli K-P, Pollinge J, Godinho R, Robinson J, Lea A, Hendricks S, Schweizer RM, Thalmann O, Silva P, Fan Z, Yurchenko AA, Dobrynin P, Makunin A, Cahill JA, Shapiro B, Álvares F, Brito JC, Geffen E, Leonard JA, Helgen KM, Johnson WE, O’Brien SJ, Van Valkenburgh B, Wayne RK (2015) Genome-wide evidence reveals that African and Eurasian golden jackals are distinct species. Current Biology 25: 2158-2165. DOI:
Leonard JA, den Tex R-J, Hawkins MTR, Muñoz-Fuentes V, Thorington R, Maldonado JE (2015) Phylogeography of vertebrates on the Sunda Shelf: a multi-species comparison. Journal of Biogeography 42: 871-879.
Muñoz-Fuentes V, Marcet-Ortega M, Alkorta-Aranburu G, Linde Forsberg C, Morrell JM, Manzano-Piedras E, Söderberg A, Daniel K, Villalba A, Toth A, Di Rienzo A, Rogi I, Vilà C (2015) Strong
artificial selection in domestic mammals did not result in an increased recombination rate. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32(2): 510-523.
Ortego J, Gugger PF, Sork VL (2015) Climatically stable landscapes predict patterns of genetic structure and admixture in the Californian canyon live oak. Journal of Biogeography 42: 328-338.
Shafer ABA, Wolf JBW, Alves PC, Bergström L, Bruford MW, Brännström I, Colling G, Dalén L, De Meester L, Ekblom R, Fawcett KD, Fior S, Hajibabaei M, Hill JA, Hoezel AR, Hoglund J, Jensen EL, Krause J, Kristensen TN, Krützen M, McKay JK, Norman AJ, Ogden R, Österling EM, Ouborg NJ, Piccolo J, Popovic D, Primmer CR, Reed FA, Roumet M, Salmona J, Schenekar T, Schwartz MK, Segelbacher G, Senn H, Thaulow J, Valtonen M, Veale A, Vergeer P, Vijay N, Vilà C, Weissensteiner M, Wennerström L, Wheat CW, Zielinski P (2015) Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30(2): 78-87.
2014Aguirre MP, Cordero PJ, Ortego J (2014) Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellites in the specialist grasshopper Ramburiella hispanica (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Conservation Genetics Resources 6, 723-724.
Albert EM, Fernández-Beaskoetxea S, Godoy JA, Tobler U, Schmidt BR, Bosch J (2014) Genetic management of an amphibian population
after a chytridiomycosis outbreak. Conservation Genetics 16(1), 103-111. doi: 10.1007/s10592-014-0644-6
Battiston R, Ortego J, Correas JR, Cordero PJ (2014) A revision of Apteromantis (Mantodea: Mantidae, Amelinae): A comprehensive approach to manage old taxonomic and conservation problems. Zootaxa 3797 (1), 065–077.
Baranowska Körberg I, Sundström E, Meadows JRS, Rosengren Pielberg G, Gustafson U, Hedhammar A, Karlsson EK, Seddon J, Söderberg A, Vilà C, Zhang X, Akesson M, Lindblad-Toh K, Andersson G, Andersson L (2014) A simple repeat polymorphism in the MITF-M promoter is a key regulator of white spotting in dogs. PLoS ONE 9: e104363. Link Castroviejo-Fisher S, Guayasamin JM, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Vilà C (2014) Neotropical diversification seen through glassfrogs. Journal of Biogeography 41, 66-80. doi:10.1111/jbi.12208
den Tex R-J & Leonard JA (2014) The phylogeography of red and yellow coppersmith barbets (Aves: Megalaima haemacephala). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2: 00016. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00016 Link Ferrer ES, García-Navas V, Sanz JJ, Ortego J (2014) Individual genetic diversity and probability of infection by avian malaria parasites in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 2468-2482.
Freedman AH, Gronau I, Schweizer RM, Ortega-Del Vecchyo D, Han E, Silva PM, Galaverni M, Fan Z, Marx P, Lorente-Galdos B, Beale H, Ramirez O, Hormozdiari F, Alkan C, Vilà C, Squire K, Geffen E, Kusak J, Boyko AR, Parker HG, Lee C, Tadigotla V, Siepel A, Bustamante CD, Harkins TT, Nelson SF, Ostrander EA, Marques-Bonet T, Wayne RK, Novembre J. (2014) Genome sequencing highlights the dynamic early history of dogs. PLoS Genetics 10(1): e1004016. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004016. Link García-Navas V, Cáliz-Campal C, Ferrer ES, Sanz JJ, Ortego J (2014) Heterozygosity at a single locus explains a large proportion of variation in two fitness-related traits in great tits: a general or a local effect? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 2807-2819.
García-Navas V, Ferrer ES, Sanz JJ, Ortego J (2014) The role of immigration and local adaptation on fine-scale genotypic and phenotypic population divergence in a less mobile passerine. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27, 1590-1603.
Hoban S, Arntzen JA, Bruford MW, Godoy JA, Hoelzel AR, Segelbacher G, Vilà C, Bertorelle G (2014) Comparative evaluation of potential indicators and temporal sampling protocols for monitoring genetic erosion. Evolutionary Applications 7 (9): 984-998. doi: 10.1111/eva.12197. Link Leonard JA (2014) Ecology drives evolution in grey wolves. Evolutionary Ecology Research 16: 461-473. Link Leonard JA (2014) Adapting to global change. Evolutionary Ecology Research 16: 441-444. Link Muñoz-Fuentes V, Linde Forsberg C, Vilà C, Morrell, J (2014) Single layer centrifugation separates spermatozoa from diploid cells in epididymal samples from grey wolves, Canis lupus (L.). Theriogenology, 82: 773–776.
Ortego J, Bonal R, Muñoz A, Aparicio JM (2014) Extensive pollen immigration and no evidence of disrupted mating patterns or reproduction in a highly fragmented holm oak stand. Journal of Plant Ecology 7, 384-395.
Ortego J, Gugger PF, Riordan EC, Sork VL (2014) Influence of climatic niche suitability and geographical overlap on hybridization patterns among southern Californian oaks. Journal of Biogeography 41, 1895-1908. Puigcerver M, Sanchez-Donoso I, Vilà C, Sardà-Palomera F, García-Galea E, Rodríguez-Teijeiro JD (2014) Decreased fitness of restocked hybrid quails prevents fast admixture with wild European quails. Biological Conservation 171: 74-81.
Ramirez O, Olalde I, Berglund J, Lorente-Galdos B, Hernandez-Rodriguez J, Quilez J, Webster MT, Wayne RK, Lalueza-Fox C, Vilà C, Marques-Bonet T (2014) Analysis of structural diversity in wolf-like canids reveals post-domestication variants. BMC Genomics 15: 465. Link Sanchez-Donoso I, Huisman J, Echegaray J, Puigcerver M, Rodríguez-Teijeiro JD, Hailer F, Vilà C (2014) Detecting slow introgression of invasive alleles in an extensively restocked game bird. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2: 00015. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00015
Sanchez-Donoso I, Rodríguez-Teijeiro JD, Quintanilla I, Jiménez-Blasco I, Sardà-Palomera F, Nadal J, Puigcerver M, Vilà C (2014) Influence of game restocking on the migratory behavior of the common quail, Coturnix coturnix. Evolutionary Ecology Research 16: 493-504.
Tsuboi M, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Kolm N (2014) Phenotypic integration of brain size and head morphology in Lake Tanganyika Cichlids. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14, 39. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-14-39 Link Yannic G, Pellissier L, Ortego J, Lecomte N, Couturier S, Cuyler C, Dussault C, Hundermark KJ, Irvine RJ, Jenkins DA, Kolpashikov L, Mager K, Musiani M, Parker KL, Roed KH, Sipko T, Þórisson SG, Weckworth BV, Guisan A, Bernatchez L, Côté SD (2014) Genetic diversity in caribou linked to past and future climate change. Nature Climate Change 4, 131-137.
Former2013Albert EM, Fortuna MA, Godoy JA, Bascompte J (2013) Assessing the robustness of the networks of spatial genetic variation. Ecology Letters 16, Issue Suplement s1, 86-93.
Amcoff M, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Kolm N (2013) Evolution of egg-dummies in Tanganyikan cichlid fishes: the roles of parental care and sexual selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26, 2369-82
Byrd BF, Cornellas A, Eerkens JW, Rosenthal JS, Carpenter TR, Leventhal A, Leonard JA (2013) The role of canids in ritual and domestic contexts: new ancient DNA insights from complex hunter-gatherer sites in prehistoric Central California. Journal of Archaeological Science 40: 2176-2189
Brandariz-Fontes C, Leonard JA, Vega-Pla JL, Backström N, Lindgren G, Lippold S, Rico C (2013) Y-chromosome analysis in Retuertas horses. PLoS ONE 8 (5): e64985 Link Camacho-Sanchez M, Burraco P, Gomez-Mestre I, Leonard JA (2013) Preservation of RNA and DNA from mammal samples under field conditions. Molecular Ecology Resources 13 (4): 663-673.
den Tex R, Leonard JA (2013) A molecular phylogeny of Asian barbets: Speciation and extinction in the tropics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68: 1-13
Druzhkova AS, Thalmann O, Trifonov VA, Leonard JA, Vorobieva NV, Ovodov ND, Graphodatsky AS, Wayne RK (2013) Ancient DNA analysis affirms the canid from Altai as a primitive dog. PLoS ONE 8 (3): e57754. Link Gonzalez-Voyer A, den Tex R, Castello A, Leonard JA (2013) Evolution of acoustic and visual signals in Asian barbets. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 647-659
Hoban S, Arntzen P, Bertorelle G, Bryja J, Fernandes M, Frith K, Gaggiotti O, Galbusera P, Godoy JA, Hauffe HC, Hoelzel AR, Nichols R, Pérez-Espona S, Primmer C, Russo I-RM, Segelbacher G, Siegismund HR, Sihvonen M, Sjögren-Gulve P, Vernesi C, Vilà C, Bruford MW (2013) Conservation Genetic Resources for Effective Species Survival (ConGRESS): bridging the divide between conservation research and practice. Journal for Nature Conservation 21(6), 433-437. Hoban SM, Gaggiotti OE, ConGRESS Consortium, Bertorelle G (2013) Sample Planning Optimization Tool for conservation and population Genetics (SPOTG): a software for choosing the appropriate number of markers and samples. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (3), 299-303
Hoban SM, Hauffe HC, Pérez-Espona S, Arntzen JW, Bertorelle G, Bryja J, Frith K, Gaggiotti OE, Galbusera P, Godoy JA, Hoelzel AR, Nichols RA, Primmer CR, Russo I-R, Segelbacher G, Siegismund HR, Sihvonen M, Vernesi C, Vilà C, Bruford MW (2013) Bringing genetic diversity to the forefront of conservation policy and management. Conservation Genetics Resources 5 , 593-598
Losey RJ, Garvie-Lok S, Leonard JA, Katzenberg MA, Germonpré M, Nomokonova T, Sablin MV, Goriunova OI, Berdnikova EN, Savelev NA (2013) Burying dogs in ancient cis-Baikal, Siberia: Temporal trends and relationships with human diet and subsistence practices. PLoS ONE 8 (5): e63740 Link Muñoz-Fuentes V, Cortazar-Chinarro M, Lozano M, McCracken KG (2013) Stepwise colonization of the Andes by Ruddy Ducks and the evolution of novel β-globin variants. Molecular Ecology 22, 1231-1249. doi: 10.1111/mec.12151 Link Muñoz-Fuentes V, Green AJ, Negro JJ (2013) Genetic studies facilitated management decisions on the invasion of the ruddy duck in Europe. Biological Invasions 15, 723-728. doi: 10.1007/s10530-012-0331-9 Link Puigcerver M, Sanchez-Donoso I, Vilà C, Sardà-Palomera F, Morales-Rodríguez PA, Caballero de la Calle JR, Rodríguez-Teijeiro JD (2013) Hibridación entre la codorniz común (Coturnix coturnix) y la codorniz de granja: estado de un problema de conservación. Ecosistemas 22 (2), 48-53
Romeralo M, Skiba A, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Schilde C, Lawal H, Kedziora S, Cavender JC, Glöckner G, Urushihara H, Schaap P (2013) Analysis of phenotypic evolution in Dictyostelia highlights developmental plasticity as a likely consequence of colonial multicellularity. Proceedings of the Royal Society series B 280, 20130976. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.0976
Santos-Gally R, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Arroyo J (2013) Deconstructing heterostyly: the evolutionary role of incompatibility system, pollinators and floral architecture. Evolution 67, 2072-2082. doi: 10.1111/evo.12087 Thalmann O, B Shapiro, P Cui, VJ Schuenemann, SK Sawyer, DL Greenfield, MB Germonpré, MV Sablin, F Lopez-Giraldez, X Domingo-Roura, H Napierala, H-P Uerpmann, DM Loponte, AA Acosta, L Giemsch, RW Schmitz, B Worthington, JE Buikstra, A Druzhkova, AS Graphodatsky, ND Ovodov, N Wahlberg, AH Freedman, RM Schweizer, K-P Koepfli, JA Leonard, M Meyer, J Krause, S Pääbo, RE Green, RK Wayne (2013)
Complete mitochondrial genomes of ancient canids suggest a European origin of domestic dogs. Science 342: 871-874
(Highlighted in Science and Nature)
von Hardenberg A*, Gonzalez-Voyer A* (2013) Disentangling evolutionary cause-effect relationships with phylogenetic confirmatory path analysis. Evolution 67, 378-387. doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01790.x 2012Ahlering MA, Eggert LS, Western D, Estes A, Munishi L, Fleischer R, Roberts MT, Maldonado JE (2012) Identifying source populations and genetic structure for savannah elephants in human-dominated landscapes and protected areas in the Kenya-Tanzania borderlands. PLoS ONE 7(12), e52288 Link Cruz F, Brennan AC*, Gonzalez-Voyer A*, Muñoz-Fuentes V*, Eaaswarkhanth M*, Roques S*, Picó X (2012) Genetics and Genomics in Wildlife Studies: Implications for Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology. BioEssays 34, 245-246.
Duarte H, Tejedo M, Katzenberger M, Marangoni F, Baldo D, Beltrán JF, Martí DA, Richter-Boix A, Gonzalez-Voyer A (2012) Can amphibians take the heat? Vulnerability to climate warming in subtropical and temperate larval amphibian communities. Global Change Biology 18, 412-421.
Fitzpatrick JL, Almbro M, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Hamada S, Pennington C, Scanlan J, Kolm N. (2012) Sexual selection uncouples the evolution of brain and body size in pinnipeds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25, 1321-1330.
Fitzpatrick JL, Almbro M, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Kolm N, Simmons LW (2012) Male contest competition and the coevolution of weaponry and testes in pinnipeds. Evolution 66, 3595-3604
Fox-Dobbs K, Nelson AA, Koch PL, Leonard JA (2012) Faunal isotope records reveal trophic and nutrient dynamics in 20th century Yellowstone grasslands. Biology Letters 8 (5): 838-841
Hailer F, Kutschera VE, Hallström BM, Klassert D, Fain SR, Leonard JA, Arnanson U, Janke A (2012) Nuclear genomic sequences reveal that polar bears are an old and distinct bear lineage. Science 336 (6079), 344-347
Immler S, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Birkhed TR (2012) Distinct evolutionary patterns of morphometric sperm traits in passerine birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society series B 279, 4174-4182. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1398
Koblmüller S, Wayne RK, Leonard JA (2012) Impact of Quaternary climatic changes and interspecific competition on the demographic history of a highly mobile generalist carnivore, the coyote. Biology Letters 8 (4), 644-647
Larson G, Karlsson EK, Perri A, Webster MT, Ho SYW, Peters J, Stahl PW, Piper PJ, Lingaas F, Fredholm M, Comstock KE, Modiano JF, Schelling C, Agoulnik AI, Leegwater PA, Dobney K, Vigne J-D, Vilà C, Andersson L, Lindblad-Toh K (2012) Rethinking dog domestication by integrating genetics, archeology, and biogeography. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109 (23), 8878-8883
Sanchez-Donoso I, Vilà C, Puigcerver M, Butkauskas D, Caballero de la Calle JR, Morales-Rodríguez PA, Rodríguez-Teijeiro JD (2012) Are farm-reared quails for game restocking really common quails (Coturnix coturnix)?: A genetic approach. PloS ONE 7 (6), e39031 Link Tsuboi M, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Höglund J, Kolm N (2012) Ecology and mating competition influence sexual dimorphism in Tanganyikan cichlids. Evolutionary Ecology 26, 171-185.
2011Ahlering MA, Hailer F, Roberts MT, Foley C (2011) A simple and accurate method to sex savanna, forest and Asian elephants using non-invasive sampling techniques. Molecular Ecology Resources 11, 831-834 Albert EM, Godoy JA (2011) Characterization of 13 microsatellite loci for the Pygmy Marbled Newt Triturus pygmaeus (Salamandridae). Conservation Genetics Resources 3, 745-747.
Castroviejo-Fisher S, Skoglund P, Valadez R, Vilà C, Leonard JA(2011) Vanishing native American dog lineages. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 73 Link Castroviejo-Fisher S, Vilà C, Ayarzagüena J, Blanc M, Ernst R (2011) Species diversity of Hyalinobatrachium glassfrogs (Amphibia: Centrolenidae) from the Guiana Shield with the description of one new species. Zootaxa 3132, 1-55
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Kolm N (2011) Rates of phenotypic evolution of ecological characters and sexual traits during the Tanganyikan cichlid adaptive radiation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24, 2378-2388.
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Padial JM, Castroviejo-Fisher S, De la Riva I, Vilà C (2011) Correlates of species richness in the largest Neotropical amphibian radiation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24 (5), 931-942.
(*Equal Contribution)
Lippold S, Knapp M, Kuznetsova T, Leonard JA, Benecke N, Ludwig A, Rasmussen M, Weinstock J, Willerslev E, Shapiro B, Hofreiter M (2011) Discovery of lost diversity of paternal horse lineages using ancient DNA. Nature Communications 2, 450
Lorenzen ED, Nogués-Bravo D, Orlando L, Weinstock J, Binladen J, Marske KA, Ugan A, Borregaard MK, Gilbert MTP, Nielsen R, Ho SYW, Goebel T, Graf KE, Byers D, Stenderup JT, Rasmussen M, Campos PF, Leonard JA, Koepfli K-P, Froese D, Zazula G, Stafford TW, Aaris-Sørensen K, Batra P, Haywood AM, Singarayer JS, Valdes PJ, Boeskorov G, Burns JA, Davydov SP, Haile J, Jenkins DL, Kosintsev P, Kuznetsova T, Lai X, Martin LD, McDonald HG, Mol D, Meldgaard M, Munch K, Stephan E, Sablin M, Sommer RS, Sipko T, Scott E, Suchard MA, Tikhonov A, Willerslev R, Wayne RK, Cooper A, Hofreiter M, Sher A, Shapiro B, Rahbek C, Willerslev E (2011) Species-specific responses of Late Quaternary megafauna to climate and humans. Nature 479, 359-364
Losey RJ, Bazaliiskii VI, Garvie-Lok S, Germonpré M, Leonard JA, Allen AL, Katzenberg MA, Sablin MV (2011) Canids as persons: Early Neolithic dog and wolf burials, Cis-Baikal, Siberia. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30, 174-189
Maklakov AA, Immler S, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Rönn J, Kolm N (2011) Brains and the city: big-brained passerine birds succeed in urban environments. Biology Letters 7, 730-732.
Martínez de Lecea F, Hernando A, Illana A, Echegaray J (2011). Cannibalism in Eurasian Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus. Ardea 99 (2), 240-242 Muñoz-Fuentes V, Di Rienzo A, Vilà C (2011) Prdm9, a major determinant of meiotic recombination hotspots, is not functional in dogs and their wild relatives, wolves and coyotes. PLoS ONE 6, e25498.
Sastre N, Vilà C, Salinas M, Bologov VV, Urios V, Sánchez A, Francino O, Ramírez O (2011) Signatures of demographic bottlenecks in European wolf populations. Conservation Genetics 12, 701-712
Vaysse A, Ratnakumar A, Derrien T, Axelsson E, Rosengren Pielberg G, Sigurdsson S, Fall T, Seppälä EH, Hansen MST, Lawley CT, Karlsson EK, The LUPA Consortium, Bannasch D, Vilà C, Lohi H, Galibert F, Fredholm M, Häggström J, Hedhammar A, André C, Lindblad-Toh K, Hitte C, Webster MT (2011) Identification of genomic regions associated with phenotypic variation between dog breeds using selection mapping. PloS Genetics 7,10 Link 2010Agudo R, Rico C, Vilà C, Hiraldo F, Donázar JA (2010) The role of humans in the diversification of a threatened island raptor. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, 384 Link Albert EM, Arroyo JM, Godoy JA (2010) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for the endangered Midwife Betic toad Alytes dickhilleni (Discoglossidae). Conservation Genetics Resources 3, 251-253.
Bryan HM, Sim KA, Darimont CT, Paquet PC, Wagner B, Muñoz-Fuentes V, Smits JE, Chilton NB (2010) Identification of Parelaphostrongylus odocoilei (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) first-stage larvae in the feces of gray wolves (Canis lupus) by molecular methods. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46, 297-302. Link Den Tex R, Maldonado JE, Thorington R and Leonard JA (2010) Nuclear copies of mitochondrial genes: another problem for ancient DNA. Genetica 138, 979-984
Den Tex R, Thorington R, Maldonado JE, Leonard JA (2010) Speciation dynamics in the SE Asian tropics: putting a time perspective on the phylogeny and biogeography of Sundaland tree squirrels, Sundasciurus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55, 711-720
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Kolm N (2010) Sex, ecology and the brain: Evolutionary correlates of brain structure volumes in Tanganyikan cichlids. PLoS ONE 5 (12), e14355. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014355 Link Muñoz-Fuentes V, Darimont CT,Paquet P, Leonard JA (2010) The genetic legacy of extirpation and re-colonization in Vancouver Island wolves. Conservation Genetics 11, 547-556
Reichart LM, Anderholm S, Muñoz-Fuentes V, Webster MS (2010). Molecular identification of brood parasitic females reveals opportunistic egg laying in ruddy ducks. Molecular Ecology 19, 401-413. Link Wang Z, Shen X, Liu B, Su J, Yonezawa T, Yu Y, Guo S, Ho SYW, Vilà C, Hasegawa M, Liu J (2010) Phylogeographical analyses of domestic and wild yaks based on mitochondrial DNA: new data and reappraisal. Journal of Biogeography 37, 2332-2344
2009Albert EM, Fernández A (2009) Evidence of cryptic speciation in a fossorial reptile: description of a new species of Blanus (Squamata: Amphisbaenia: Blanidae) from the Iberian Peninsula. Zootaxa 2234, 56-68. Link Albert EM, San Mauro D, García-París M, Rüber L, Zardoya R (2009) Effect of taxon sampling on recovering the phylogeny of squamate reptiles based on complete mitochondrial genome and nuclear gene sequence data. Gene 441, 12-21.
Anderson TM, VonHoldt BM, Candille SI, Musiani M, Greco C, Stahler DR, Smith DW, Padhukasahasram B, Randi E, Leonard JA, Bustamante CD, Ostrander EA, Tang H, Wayne RK, Barsh GS (2009) Molecular and evolutionary history of melanism in North American gray wolves. Science 323, 1339-1343
Barsh GS, Anderson TM, Vonholdt BM, Candille SI, Musiani M, Stahler DR, Leonard JA, Padhukasahasram B, Randi E, Bustamante CD, Ostrander EA, Tang H, Wayne RK (2009) How the Gray Wolf Got Its Color - Response. Science 325, 33-34
Echegaray J, Vilà C (2009) Noninvasive monitoring of wolves at the edge of their distribution and the cost of their conservation. Animal Conservation 13, 157-161
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Winberg S, Kolm N (2009) Brain structure evolution in a basal vertebrate clade: evidence from phylogenetic comparative analysis of cichlid fishes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9, 238. Link
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Winberg S, Kolm N (2009) Distinct evolutionary patterns of brain and body size during adaptive radiation. Evolution 63, 2266-2274.
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Winberg S, Kolm N (2009) Social fishes and single mothers: brain evolution in African cichlids. Proceedings of the Royal Society series B 276, 161-167.
Guayasamin JM, Castroviejo-Fisher S, Trueb L, Ayarzagüena J, Rada M, Vilà C (2009) Phylogenetic systematics of Glassfrogs (Amphibia: Centrolenidae) and their sister taxon Allophryne ruthveni. Zootaxa 2100, 1-97
Koblmüller S, Nord M, Wayne RK, Leonard JA (2009) More is Better - Reply. Molecular Ecology 18, 4994-4996
Koblmüller S, Nord M, Wayne RK, Leonard JA (2009) Origin and status of the Great Lakes wolf. Molecular Ecology 18, 2313-2316
Kolm N, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Brelin D, Winberg S (2009) Evidence for small scale variation in the vertebrate brain: mating strategy and sex affect brain size and structure in wild brown trout (Salmo trutta). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22, 2524-2531.
Leonard JA, Wayne RK (2009) Wishful thinking: Imagining that the current Great Lakes wolf is the same entity that existed historically. Biology Letters 5, 67-68
Muñoz-Fuentes V, Darimont CT, Wayne RK, Paquet P, Leonard JA (2009) Ecological factors drive differentiation in wolves from British Columbia. Journal of Biogeography 36, 1516-1531
Padial JM, Castroviejo-Fisher S, Köhler J, Vilà C, Chaparro JC, De la Riva I (2009) Deciphering the products of evolution at the species level: the need for an integrative taxonomy. Zoologica Scripta 38, 431-447
Rezende E, Albert EM, Fortuna MA, Bascompte J (2009) Compartments in a marine food web associated with phylogeny, body mass, and habitat structure. Ecology Letters 12, 779-788.
Slater GJ, Thalmann O, Leonard JA, Schweizer RM, Koepfli K-P, Pollinger JP, Rawlence NJ, Austin JJ, Cooper A, Wayne RK (2009) Evolutionary history of the Falklands wolf. Current Biology 19, R937-938
2008Björnerfeldt S, Hailer F, Nord M, Vilà C (2008) Assortative mating and fragmentation within dog breeds. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8, 28
Castroviejo-Fisher S, Señaris JC, Ayarzagüena J, Vilà C (2008) Resurrection of Hyalinobatrachium orocostale and notes on the Hyalinobatrachium orientale species complex (Anura: Centrolenidae). Herpetologica 64, 472-484
Cruz F, Vilà C, Webster MT (2008) The legacy of domestication: Accumulation of deleterious mutations in the dog genome. Molecular Biology and Evolution 25, 2331-2336
Echegaray J, Illana A, Hernando A, Martínez de Lecea F, Bayona J, Covela I, De la Torre JA, Paniagua D, Vilà C (2007-2008) Análisis comparativo de la presencia de lobos (Canis lupus) y corzos (Capreolus capreolus) en el occidente de Álava (País Vasco, N. España). Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava 22, 133-136 Echegaray J, Illana A, Hernando A, Martínez de Lecea F, Bayona J, De la Torre JA, Paniagua D, Covela I, Vilà C (2007-2008) Uso de técnicas moleculares para sexar lobos (Canis lupus) a partir de muestras fecales del País Vasco y su entorno. Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava 22, 129-131 Fox-Dobbs K, Leonard JA, Koch PL (2008) Pleistocene megafauna from eastern Beringia: paleoecological and paleoenvironmental interpretations of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope and radiocarbon records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 261, 30-46
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Fitzpatrick JL, Kolm N (2008) Sexual selection determines parental care patterns in cichlid fishes. Evolution 62, 2015-2016.
Guayasamin JM, Castroviejo-Fisher S, Ayarzagüena J, Trueb L, Vilà C (2008) Phylogenetic relationships of glassfrogs (Centrolenidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 48, 574-595
Hailer F, Leonard JA (2008) Hybridization among three native North American Canis species in a region of natural sympatry. PLoS ONE 3, e3333. Link Leonard JA (2008) Ancient DNA applications for wildlife conservation. Molecular Ecology 17, 4186-4196
Leonard JA, Wayne RK (2008) Native Great Lakes wolves were not restored. Biology Letters 4, 95-98
Malmström H, Vilà C, Gilbert MTP, Storå J, Willerslev E, Holmlund G, Götherström A (2008) Barking up the wrong tree: Modern northern European dogs fail to explain their origin. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8, 71
Muñoz-Fuentes V, Green AJ, Sorenson MD (2008) Comparing the genetics of wild and captive populations of white-headed ducks: consequences for recovery programmes. Ibis 150, 807-815. Link Reinius B, Saetra P, Leonard JA, Blekhman R, Gilad Y, Jazin E (2008) An evolutionarily conserved sexual signature in the primate brain. PloS Genetics 4, e1000100. Link Røed KH, Flagstad Ø, Nieminen M, Holand Ø, Dwyer MJ, Røv N, Vilà C (2008) Genetic analyses reveal independent domestication origins of Eurasian reindeer. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 275, 1849-1855
Sundqvist A-K, Ellegren H, Vilà C (2008) Wolf or dog? Genetic identification of predators from saliva collected around bite wounds on prey. Conservation Genetics 9, 1275-1279
2007 and FormerAlbert EM, Zardoya R, García-París M (2007) Phylogeographic and speciation patterns in subterranean worm lizards of the genus Blanus (Amphisbaenia: Blanidae). Molecular Ecology 16, 1519-1531.
Arrendal J, Vilà C, Björklund M (2007) Reliability of noninvasive genetic census of otters compared to field censuses. Conservation Genetics 8, 1097-1107
Björnerfeldt S, Vilà C (2007) Evaluation of methods for single hair DNA amplification. Conservation Genetics 8, 977-981
Castroviejo-Fisher S, Ayarzagüena J, Vilà C (2007) A new species of Hyalinobatrachium (Centrolenidae: Anura) from Serranía de Perijá, Venezuela. Zootaxa 1441, 51-62.
Castroviejo-Fisher S, De la Riva I, Vilà C (2007) Transparent frogs show potential of natural world. Nature (correspondence) 449, 972
Echegaray J, Illana A, Hernando A, Martínez de Lecea F, Bayona J, Covela I, de la Torre JA, Paniagua D, Vilà C (2007) Uso de técnicas genéticas no invasivas para estimar el tamaño y distribución del lobo (Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758) en el País Vasco (N. España). Galemys 19, 3-18
Geffen E, Waidyaratne S, Dalén L, Angerbjörn A, Vilà C, Hersteinsson P, Fuglei E, White PA, Goltsman M, Kapel CMO, Wayne RK (2007) Sea ice occurrence predicts genetic isolation in the Arctic fox. Molecular Ecology 16, 4241-4255
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Drummond H (2007) Is broodmate aggression really associated with direct feeding? Behaviour 144, 373-392.
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Székely T, Drummond H (2007) Why do some siblings attack each other? Comparative analysis of aggression in avian broods. Evolution 61, 1946-1955. Hailer F, Helander B, Folkestad AO, Ganusevich SA, Garstad S, Hauff P, Koren C, Masterov VB, Nygård T, Rudnick JA, Shiraki S, Skarphedinsson K, Volke V, Wille F, Vilà C (2007) Phylogeography of the white-tailed eagle, a generalist with large dispersal capacity. Journal of Biogeography 34, 1193-1206
Helander B, Hailer F, Vilà C (2007) Morphological and genetic sex identification of white-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla nestlings. Journal of Ornithology 148, 435-442
Leonard JA, Shanks O, Hofreiter M, Kreuz E, Hodges L, Ream W, Wayne RK, Fleischer RC (2007) Animal DNA in PCR reagents plagues ancient DNA research. Journal of Archaeological Science 34, 1361-1366
Leonard JA, Vilà C, Fox-Dobbs K, Koch PL, Wayne RK, Van Valkenburgh B (2007) Megafaunal extinctions and the disappearance of a specialized wolf ecomorph. Current Biology 17, 1146-1150
Lindberg J, Björnerfeldt JS, Bakken M, Vilà C, Jazin E, Saetre P (2007) Selection for tameness modulates the expression of heme related genes in silver foxes. Behavioral and Brain Function 3, 18
Muñoz-Fuentes V, Vilà C, Green AJ, Negro JJ, Sorenson MD (2007) Hybridization between white-headed ducks and introduced ruddy ducks in Spain. Molecular Ecology 16, 629-638
Musiani* M, Leonard* JA, Cluff HD, Gates CC, Mariani S, Paquet PC, Vilà C, Wayne RK (2007) Differentiation of tundra/taiga and boreal coniferous forest wolves: genetics, coat colour and association with migratory caribou. Molecular Ecology 16, 4149-4170 (*Equal contribution)
Aspi J, Roininen E, Ruokonen M, Kojola I, Vilà C (2006) Genetic diversity, population structure, effective population size and demographic history of the Finnish wolf population. Molecular Ecology 15, 1561-1576
Atarhouch T, Ruber L, Gonzalez EG, Albert EM, Rami M, Dakkak A, Zardoya R (2006) Signature of an early genetic bottleneck in a population of Moroccan sardines (Sardina pilchardus). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 39, 373-383.
Bermejo M, Rodríguez-Teijeiro JD, Illera G, Barroso A, Vilà C, Walsh PD (2006) Ebola outbreak killed 5000 gorillas. Science 314, 1564
Björnerfeldt S, Webster MT, Vilà C (2006) Relaxation of selective constraint on dog mitochondrial DNA following domestication. Genome Research 16, 990-994
Hailer F, Helander B, Folkestad AO, Ganusevich SA, Garstad S, Hauff P, Koren C, Nygård T, Volke V, Vilà C, Ellegren H (2006) Bottlenecked but long-lived: high genetic diversity retained in white-tailed eagles upon recovery from population decline. Biology Letters 2, 316-319
Maldonado JE, Leonard JA, Miranda GA, Ortega J, Wayne RK, Aguilera RJ (2006) Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci for the endangered Buena Vista Lake shrew (Sorex ornatus relictus). Molecular Ecology Notes 6, 349-352 Muñoz-Fuentes V, Green AJ, Sorenson MD, Negro JJ, Vilà C (2006) The ruddy duck Oxyura jamaicensis in Europe: natural colonization or human introduction? Molecular Ecology 15, 1441-1453.
Ramírez O, Altet L, Enseñat C, Vilà C, Sanchez A, Ruiz A (2006) Genetic assessment of the Iberian wolf Canis lupus signatus captive breeding program. Conservation Genetics 7, 861-878
Sundqvist A-K, Björnerfeldt S, Leonard JA, Hailer F, Hedhammar Å, Ellegren H, Vilà C (2006) Unequal contribution of sexes in the origin of dog breeds. Genetics 172, 1121-1128
Barnett R, Barnes I, Phillips MJ, Martin LD, Harington CR, Leonard JA, Cooper A (2005) Evolution of the extinct sabretooths (Smilodon and Homotherium) and American cheetahlike cat (Miracinonyx). Current Biology 15, 589-590 Leonard JA, Rohland N, Glaberman S, Fleischer RC, Caccone A, Hofreiter M (2005) A rapid loss of stripes: the evolutionary history of the extinct quagga. Biology Letters 1, 291-295 Leonard JA, Vilà C, Wayne RK (2005) Legacy lost: Genetic variability and population size of extirpated US grey wolves (Canis lupus.) Molecular Ecology 14, 9-17
Lindberg J, Björnerfeldt S, Saetre P, Svartberg K, Seehuus B, Bakken M, Vilà C, Jazin E (2005) Selection for tameness has changed brain gene expression in silver foxes. Current Biology 15, R915-R916 Muñoz-Fuentes V, Green AJ, Negro JJ, Sorenson MD (2005) Population structure and loss of genetic diversity in the endangered white-headed duck, Oxyura leucocephala. Conservation Genetics 6, 999-1015. Link Muñoz-Fuentes V, Gyllenstrand N, Negro JJ, Green AJ, Vilà C (2005) Microsatellite markers for two stifftail ducks: the white-headed duck, Oxyura leucocephala, and the ruddy duck, O. jamaicensis. Molecular Ecology Notes 5, 263-265.
Vilà C, Seddon J, Ellegren H (2005) Genes of domestic mammals augmented by backcrossing with wild ancestors. Trends in Genetics 21, 214-218
Arrendal J, Walker CW, Sundqvist A-K, Hellborg L, Vilà C (2004) Genetic evaluation of an otter translocation program. Conservation Genetics 5, 79-88
Lindgren G, Backström N, Swinburne J, Hellborg L, Einarsson A, Sandberg K, Cothran G, Vilà C, Binns M, Ellegren H (2004) Limited number of patrilines in horse domestication. Nature Genetics 36, 335-336
Maldonado JE, Hertel F, Vilà C (2004) Discordant patterns of morphological variation in genetically divergent populations of ornate shrews (Sorex ornatus). Journal of Mammalogy 85, 886-896
Saetre P, Lindberg J, Leonard JA, Olsson K, Petersson U, Ellegren H, Bergström T, Vilà C, Jazin E (2004) From wild wolf to domestic dog: gene expression changes in the brain. Molecular Brain Research 126, 198-206
Vilà C, Leonard JA, Iriarte A, O'Brien SJ, Johnson WE, Wayne RK (2004) Detecting the vanishing populations of the highly endangered Darwin's fox, Pseudalopex fulvipes. Animal Conservation 7, 147-153
Adams JR, Leonard JA, Waits LP (2003) Widespread occurrence of a domestic dog mitochondrial DNA haplotype in southeastern USA coyotes. Molecular Ecology 12, 541-546
Flagstad Ø, Walker CW, Vilà C, Sundqvist A-K, Fernholm B, Hufthammer AK, Wiig Ø, Koyola I, Ellegren H (2003) Two centuries of the Scandinavian wolf population: patterns of genetic variability and migration during an era of dramatic decline. Molecular Ecology 12, 869-880
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Smith KG, Festa-Bianchet M (2003) Dynamics of hunted and unhunted mountain goat Oreamnos americanus populations. Wildlife Biology 9, 213-218.
Orlando L, Leonard JA, Laudet V, Guerin C, Hänni C (2003) Ancient DNA analysis reveals wooly rhino evolutionary relationships. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28, 76-90
Vilà C, Walker C, Sundqvist A-K, Flagstad Ø, Andersone Z, Casulli A, Kojola I, Valdmann H, Halverson J, Ellegren H (2003) Combined use of maternal, paternal and bi-parental genetic markers for the identification of wolf-dog hybrids. Heredity 90, 17-24
Vilà C, Sundqvist A-K, Flagstad Ø, Seddon J, Björnerfeldt S, Kojola I, Casulli A, Sand H, Wabakken P, Ellegren H (2003) Rescue of a severely bottlenecked wolf (Canis lupus) population by a single immigrant. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 270, 91-97
Ayuso A, Vilà C (2002) Desarrollo de técnicas no invasivas para el muestreo genético de la población escandinava de lobos (Canis lupus). Acta Granatense 1, 77-90 Hellborg L, Walker CW, Rueness EK, Stacy JE, Kojola I, Valdmann H, Vilà C, Zimmermann B, Jakobsen KS, Ellegren H (2002) Differentiation and levels of genetic variation in northern European lynx (Lynx lynx) populations revealed by microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA analysis. Conservation Genetics 3, 97-111
Leonard JA, Wayne RK, Wheeler J, Valadez R, Guillén S, Vilà C (2002) Ancient DNA evidence for Old World origin of New World dogs. Science 298, 1613-1616
Paxinos EE, James HF, Olson SL, Ballou JD, Leonard JA, Fleischer RC (2002) Prehistoric decline of genetic diversity in the nene. Science 296, 1827
Vilà C, Ayuso A (2002) Uso de métodos genéticos no invasivos para estimar el tamaño de la población de lobos (Canis lupus). Galemys 14, 60-63 Girman DJ, Vilà C, Geffen E, Creel S, Mills MGL, McNutt JW, Ginsberg J, Kat PW, Mamiya KH, Wayne RK (2001) Patterns of population subdivision, gene flow and genetic variability in the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Molecular Ecology 10, 1703-1723
Gonzalez-Voyer A, Festa-Bianchet M, Smith KG (2001) Efficiency of aerial surveys of mountain goats. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29, 140-144. Maldonado JE, Vilà C, Wayne RK (2001) Tripartite genetic subdivisions in the ornate shrew (Sorex ornatus). Molecular Ecology 10, 127-147
Sundqvist A-K, Ellegren H, Olivier M, Vilà C (2001) Y chromosome haplotyping in Scandinavian wolves (Canis lupus) based on microsatellite markers. Molecular Ecology 10, 1959-1966
Torres E, Lees DC, Vane-Wright RI, Kremen C, Leonard JA, Wayne RK (2001) Examining Monophyly in a Large Radiation of Madagascan Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae: Myscalesina) Based on Mitochondrial DNA Data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 20, 460-473 Vilà C, Ellegren H, Götherström A, Leonard JA, Wayne RK (2001) Tales from the DNA of domestic horses-Reply. Science 292, 218-219
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Leonard JA, Wayne RK, Cooper A (2000) Population genetics of Ice Age brown bears. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 97, 1651-1654 Urios V, Vilà C, Castroviejo J (2000) Estudio de la incidencia real de la depredación del lobo en la ganadería comparando dos métodos distintos. Galemys 12 (NE), 241-248
Vilà C (2000) Hibridación entre perros y lobos: revisión de estudios genéticos y análisis de la situación en la Península Ibérica. Galemys 12 (NE), 45-56
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Vilà C, Maldonado J, Wayne JK (1999) Phylogenetic relationships, evolution, and genetic diversity of the domestic dog. Journal of Heredity 90, 71-77 Vilà C, Wayne RK (1999) Hybridization between wolves and dogs. Conservation Biology 13, 195-198
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Hadly EA, Kohn MH, Leonard JA, Wayne RK (1998) A genetic record of population isolation in pocket gophers during holocene climatic change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 95, 6893-6896 Bascompte J, Vilà C (1997) Fractals and search paths in mammals. Landscape Ecology 12, 213-221
Vadillo JM, Reija J, Vilà C (1997) Distribución y selección de hábitat de la garduña (Martes foina, Erxleben, 1777) en Vizcaya y Sierra Salvada (Burgos). Doñana, Acta Vertebrata 24, 39-49 Vilà C, Maldonado J, Amorim IR, Wayne RK, Crandall KA, Honeycutt RL (1997) Man and his dog- Reply. Science 278, 206-207
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Vilà C, Rodríguez-Teijeiro JD, Oliva F (1996) Diurnal cycles in microhabitat use by forest passerines: consequences for community structure. Ibis 138, 308-314 Biquand S, Urios V, Boug A, Vilà C, Castroviejo J, Nader I (1994) Fishes as diet of a wolf (Canis lupus arabs) in Saudi Arabia. Mammalia 58, 492-494 Rodríguez-Teijeiro JD, Vilà C (1994) Habitat use in foraging treecreepers, Certhia spp.: orientation of flights. Bird Behaviour 10, 37-40 Vilà C, Castroviejo J (1994) Use of tiletamine and zolazepam to immobilize captive Iberian wolves (Canis lupus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 30, 119-122
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